Saturday, March 14, 2020

Emergency Water Plan

The recommendation is 1 gallon per person per day for 14 days = 42 gallons (for 3 people) for drinking/food prep/hygiene.

This means the water needs to be purified (not just filtered) to kill the bacteria, viruses, remove chemicals, etc and make the water 100% safe.

Water Sources

Plan A
Keep a 5 gallon water jug filled and ready at all times.

Plan B

We have a 50 gallon water heater that we flush once a year. This will at least meet the minimum recommended amount. It is still recommended that the water be treated before use but is generally considered low risk as is.

Plan C
We have a MSR MiniWorks EX portable carbon filter that will get rid of everything except viruses. This can be used for dirty, gross water, or with chemicals in it. Potentially could get water from canal, ponds, collect water, swimming pool, etc. It is still recommended that the water be treated after filtered since it does not get viruses.

Treating water.

Plan A
To kill the viruses we will boil the water for 1 minute.

Plan B
In the event that we don't have power we have spare propane tanks to boil the water.

Plan C
AquaTabs (chlorine dioxide) that will kill viruses and bacteria, etc.

Plan D We could also distill water to remove everything (except some vocs that may evaporate also).


Plan A
We will use the pool water for bathing (assuming it is still clear)

Plan B
Very limited bathing with filtered water.

Background Information

Carbon filter needed to get rid of any voc that would also evaporate.

Water from water heater should be treat or filtered before using it for cooking and cleaning.
* Bring water to a rolling boil for at least 1 minute. Boiling is great for killing bacteria and viruses, but not good when chemicals are present in it since the chemical will concentrate in it.

* Unscented chlorine Bleach (replace once a year)
    * For Clear water add 1/8 teaspoon per gallon
    * For Cloudy water add 1/4 teaspoon per gallon
* Water purification tablets
    * chlorine dioxide is best so that kills viruses, but needs to be called a purifier to kill viruses. Some chlorine dioxide is not strong enough concentration to kill virus so be careful it says purifier or kills viruses. Iodine is also very good (including for viruses), but does have undesirable taste and color.
* Personal filter
    * bacteria and viruses
Flush Water heater once a year to reduce sediment

If using own containers they should be sanitized before storing water
    To sanitize:
        1. Use dish soap to clean the container and cap and thoroughly rinse.
        2. Using 1 teaspoon of unscented liquid chlorine bleach to 4 cups of water and vigoriously shake for at least 30 secondes making sure all surfaces in container are reached. Empty bleach water and let the container air dry. When filling the container with water be sure not to touch the opening with the facet or your hand as it may contaminate the water. Do not touch the inside of the cap. Be sure to fill it to the very top. Label and date water with when it was filled and replace every 6 months or so. Store in a cool and dark location.