Monday, April 15, 2013

Are vaccination the cause or is it environmental issues?

Quoted from

“An epidemic of chronic disease and disability is plaguing America. Our children are the most highly vaccinated children in the world and they are among the most chronically ill and disabled. Today, the Centers for Disease Control admits that 1 child in 6 in America is developmentally delayed. During the past quarter century, the number of children with learning disabilities, ADHD, asthma and diabetes has more than tripled. During the past quarter century, the number of doses of vaccines that pediatricians give babies and children under age 6 has more than doubled. More than twice as many children have chronic brain and immune system dysfunction today than did in the 1970’s when half as many vaccines were given to children.

Today, the CDC and AAP direct doctors to give infants a dose of hepatitis B vaccine at 12 hours of age in the newborn nursery. Unborn infants are exposed to an additional dose of vaccine in the womb of their pregnant mothers, who are vaccinated for influenza. A two month old baby can receive as many as 8 vaccines on a single day. At age 15 to 18 months, a child can receive as many as 12 vaccines on a single day. Before and after birth to age six, children born today in the U.S. are given 49 doses of 14 vaccines.”


My thoughts…

While pollution, city environments, etc may also be a cause it is also possible vaccination are the leading contributor to this. It seems to me we either have the worst environment (I would think places like China would be much worse based on how much they had to do to make it suitable to hold the Olympics there) that is causing these issues OR it is the vaccinations that we are giving that is messing with the bodies to do as nature intended such as extract oxygen from air, learn, process sugar and insulin properly, etc.

Just the thought of giving my child that many vaccinations (49) just seems crazy to me by the time they are SIX. Consider in by the time a baby is six they will have lived 72 months and had 49 does of 14 vaccines. That just seems like a bad idea to consistently be putting toxins that are in vaccinations into my child.

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