Friday, July 19, 2013

Organic Seeds for Phoenix, AZ

I find that it is hard to know what specific varieties of fruits and vegetables will grow best in the home garden in Phoenix, AZ. I like to grow from seeds so I have put together a list of organic sources for seeds for the Phoenix, AZ metro area. The first two sources are recommended especially for the area so you can't go wrong. They are all organic (though they are not CERTIFIED organic, but I believe them to be reputable and say they can be used in a certified organic garden (I don't understand how that works though)) and Non-GMO.

Local – First place to look - Be sure to pick lower desert from the filter list to get seeds for the area.

Sustainable - not just for the area

However, they are still a good source if not at the local sources and they show what states the seeds are best recommended.

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