Saturday, June 22, 2013

Animal and Human Tissues in Vaccines

The problem with having animal and human tissues in vaccines is really about contamination. For example in the past (1955 and 1963) kidney cells from a monkey that had the SV-40 virus in was used to produce the Polio vaccine. It is estimated that 30 million people where injected with this virus. This virus may be linked to cancer. After statistical analysis, it was determined that no more people got cancer that had been injected with the virus that the general population. We didn't find out about the SV-40 virus until decades later. Now tissues are checked for viruses. The problem is that we have to know what we are looking for before we can identify it. The fear is that we won't know about some other virus in tissues used to make current vaccines until it is too late to do anything about it (again).

My thought is yes, there is a real possibility that our current vaccines are contaminated also. However, the hope is that it isn't. It is kind of like eating sushi, you hope you don't have a tainted batch, but yet people each sushi all the time and hope everything will be okay. Nothing is a guarantee in this world, I see this as an acceptable risk.

Consider that among other parts of animals and humans we use Chicken embryos, chicken kidney cells, and chicken eggs. My first thought is why doesn't the body think think that the chicken and eggs we eat are a virus? I suspect if the body worked that way, we would see more chicken and egg allergies. I am dismissing this idea as not logical, but I am curious why not.

It is also important to know that not all vaccines use animal or human tissues. For example, according to Dr. Sears' book (The Vaccine Book, Pg 194), the following vaccines do NOT use animal or human tissues:
  • HIB
  • Pc
  • Hepatitis B
  • Meningococcal
  • HPV
  • DTaP (Daptacel brand)
  • Tdap (Adacel brand)

However, the following vaccines DO use animal or human tissues:
  • MMR
  • Chickenpox
  • Polio
  • Rotovirus
  • Flu
  • Hepatitis A
  • DTaP (Infranix and Tripedia brands)
  • Tetanus and diphtheria vaccines
  • Tdap (Boostrix brand)
You can read potential reason some may not want to use the vaccines that have animal or human parts and what particular tissues in what vaccines at I personally didn't find too much to convince me that the tissues are a bad things other than using aborted fetus tissue is not ethical and that by vaccinating I would be supporting it. Unfortunately, the benefits out weigh the negatives I think.

I think I heard that when animal tissues in vaccines an injected into humans it actually makes humans susceptible to animal only diseases (that without the vaccination, we would not be able to contract). I can't find anything that confirms or denies that. I wish I could find the video or article. If anyone know anything about this, please leave a comment and reference that I can go to. Thanks!

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