Thursday, April 17, 2008

A little change can make a big different if you think green

Here's some more "Green Numbers"

Two Birds With One Stone - If one 20-mile trip per week was cut out (by combining errands) for every registered vehicle in the United States, 145 million fewer tons of greenhouse gases would be released into the air each year. That's equal to the annual carbon dioxide emissions from 36 coal-fired power plants.

Use a Rake, for Goodness Sake! - One hour of using a gas-operated leaf blower produces the same amount of greenhouse gases as a car driving 4,400 miles - that's a round trip from Salt Lake City to New York City.

Paint by Numbers - If 1 quart of leftover paint was recycled from every renovation project in America this year (10 percent of all the house paint purchased in the United States is typically thrown out), it would reclaim 2.5 million gallons - enough to paint the outside of the White House every year from the next 43 centuries, or to paint San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge 250 times.

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